Sunday, September 28, 2008


We stumbled across this faggy website called Never heard of it.

Anyway, that wasn't the only thing of which we hadn't heard. Taken from their little article about the recent Washington Mutual bank collapse:

Luckily, we had the radio set to KIRO news this morning, and Gregg Hersholt and Jane Shannon were doing their usually excellent job of informing The People of Puget Sound.

Capitalization of the "The" in "the people" already tells us the writer may be either a lesbian, a member of the Seattle Green Party, or Katie, perhaps all three. But who in the hell are these Gregg Hersholt and Jane Shannon characters?


Anonymous said...

Gregg has been at KIRO forever. He's a good news talent. Jane is the co-anchor who does little more than read what's in front of her, or so it sounds. The two sound hostile towards eachother. With her gone, it might be a pleasant program to listen to.

Anonymous said...

Agree with the poster above. Jane has an old smoker's voice that might have been sexy at one time, but now makes her a hag.