Sunday, September 28, 2008

KIRO Takes a Break from Weeknight Butt Pirating

KIRO-AM will be making some temporary schedule improvements this week by partially preempting the Joan Andrews Show featuring Luke Burbank on both Wednesday and Thursday. Dr. Mockovac of Clearly Lasik has apparently been certified in lipo and Luke plans to be first in line.

No, we jest.

In actuality we have no idea what is going on Wednesday or Thursday except that the weeknight butt pirating that goes on at Eastlake Avenue will be temporarily suspended.

Shares of Astroglide (NYSE: TBTL) fell on the news.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I get that you don't like a lot of KIRO personalities. That's cool. But why the homophobia? That's not cool.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I get that you don't like a lot of KIRO personalities. That's cool. But why the homophobia? That's not cool.

LMAO. You sound like a DARE team police officer going into a high school to tell the kids what is cool and what is not, "marijuana ain't cool, gang - Jesus rocks!"

Anonymous said...

Don't really give a shit how you think I sound. Just knock it off with the ignorant-ass hate speech.

Anonymous said...

Um - "anonymous" - that's my "ignorant ass hate speech" ... not ex libris' ... man you really sound like you want a sausage up your pooper!

Anonymous said...

Wow, falun motvie and ex libris must be sleeping together. Haha. I'm so funny. I'm so smart. Haha, see, it's funny because it makes fun of them by questioning their sexual orientation. It's brilliant. How do I come up with this stuff?

Sorry I didn't do enough investigation to unearth the fact that "" is in fact a single person with a different and wholly unrelated internet handle. My bad on that one.

Now that I know the proper target - knock off the stupid homophobic shit. Hate on individuals all you want, but don't do it in a way that demonstrates hate for millions. Makes you look even stupider than starting a troll blog does. And jeeze, what kind of asshole would do that, anyway?

Anonymous said...

Such a delicate flower! Don't cry, dandelion. :(

Anonymous said...

See? You can use insults that aren't homophobic! Was that so hard?

Anonymous said...

I guess you were right, fudge-packer!

Anonymous said...

Why is it that EVERYTHING in a homosexual's life revolves around them being gay? It's like they can't just live life. They have to mention their gayness at every opportunity. Every comment is made through their gay filter. Instead of, "I enjoyed my dinner tonight" they have to say something like, "Oh that dinner was sooooo fabulous it gave me a chubby I want to ram in my boyfriend's ass." What is with that?