Thursday, September 25, 2008

TBTL "Fan" Film from Listener Zan

Those who listen to KIRO regularly may recall Listener Zan, the Polock who wrote the Which KIRO Host Are You? quiz that Dori Monson spent 30 minutes discussing on his show a few months ago. Zan, a former TBTL fan, was also responsible for a mash-up video that portrayed Luke Burbank, of the Joan Andrews Show featuring Luke Burbank, as a superhero. Zan writes us with the following, plus a link:

After I was becoming disssiliusioned with the TBTL once showed that they thief there content from other radio shows, I make this second video I send to Burbank. My first video posted to front page of My second video was never once spoken about, undoubtedly you know for sure the reason. I send to you for enjoyment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good editing and use of the Dickies' cover of "The Banana Splits" theme song is no excuse for horribly garbled grammar, mixed-up tenses, and not knowing the difference between the words "there" and "their."