Friday, September 26, 2008

Katie Can't Take the Heat - Daddy-O Don Steps In

After spending months demanding the listeners give them "all three" and "leave a comment on our blog at," R&D seem to have hit a bump in the road.

Meathead, of Meathead & the Moron Show, today demanded people stop making critical comments on their blog and chastised anyone who would have so much "time to waste on our blog." Does he think before he talks? Come on, guys, don't sell yourselves short like that.

Meathead then threatened that they would completely take down the comments section on their blog if people didn't stop making Katie cry. Here's a clue, dumbo: when you axe comments and forums web traffic takes a hit. So go ahead and kill it, Meathead, WeDislikeKatie will reap the rewards as the only remaining site on which people can discuss KIRO-AM.

Meathead - we don't mind if you go after Ron and me, but leave Katie alone.

Tough. Anyone who speaks into the microphone is fair game.


Anonymous said...

yeah.. katie is kinda annoying... I like her voice, but I hate what she says...

Anonymous said...

Now this blog is resorting to the same crap that Katie does. Do you actually want to be put in the same catagory as Katie?

Anonymous said...

what does Katie do that's all so bad? a lot of people complain about her voice, I don't think it's that bad but I'll bet you she's fat. She's got the voice of a fat person.