Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Election Would Mean Burbank Fired, WDK Endorses Obama

Despite what washed-up, thirty-something Hollywood B-listers claim, voting is not cool. And, in general, we really don't care about political tomfoolery, however, today on the Dori Monson Show, Dori noted that a Democratic president would sign the Fairness Doctrine into law. The result, for KIRO-AM, would be the need to replace one liberal host with a conservative one.

Guess who would get the shaft?

That's right: the Joan Andrews Show featuring Luke Burbank.

In light of this analysis, WeDislikeKatie is now officially endorsing Barack Hussein Obama for President of these United States. Allahu Akbar


Anonymous said...

All right "anonymous"... I know this is a blog about local talk radio - specifically, the Meathead and Moron Show and the Joan Andrews Show featuring Luke Burbank... but I'll take your SF museum lighting post and raise you a Louvre lighting post!!!

Sean knew when he started to model the Pei Pyramid at the Louvre that it might turn out to be the most complex non-algorithmic model ever created. It may well be, as it contains about 33 million triangles when its spline surfaces are tesselated for rendering. This model serves as a goal for global illumination algorithms. Can one efficiently calculate an accurate lighting solution for a scene this complex?
Clearly, there are too many surfaces in the model for an algorithm that records the amount of light falling on each surface. The memory requirements alone make that impossible. This ray traced image does not include any global interreflections, and the shadows and reflections are unrealistically crisp. A Monte Carlo solution would have to run for a very long time, but might produce a reasonable image. However, if no global solution can be computed and saved, everything must be recalculated every time the viewer changes position.

As mentioned, the many triangles of this environment present problems for recording the light that falls on the environments surfaces. But they also create extra computation when calculating shadows/shading on the few large surfaces in the space. This view to the area below ground level shows how many shadows the cables and trusses cast on the floor. This model will serve as a severe test for our algorithms for years to come.

Okay "anonymous"... To keep this consistent with the mission of this blog, how do you think Meathead, Moron, Joan or Luke would handle this issue of Louvre pyramid lighting... IF they ever had the guts to tackle such a controversial topic???

Anonymous said...

I wish all you fags would stop posting as "anonymous", just make up names for chrissakes, it's confusing as fuck otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Falun"... I'll stop posting as "anonymous" when you pry "anonymous" from my cold dead fingers...

Until then, your confusion is really low on my list of concerns.

As for those other frauds who claim to be "anonymous" - just remember, there's only one who is truly "anonymous"... and that is me.

Just remember, the other "anonymous" is truly an expert in museum lighting... I am a museum lighting cut-and-paster who does so to get under the skin of the fake "anonymous". Got it???

Anonymous said...

Might I opine for a moment, lest I risk hijacking this thread, on this subject, which, is of great interest to me.

The matter of museum lighting has been of deep portent to me since I was at university.

In fact, many of you no doubt are aware that, on my very first show on KIRO radio, I did, indeed, wax on the subject of lighting at SAM vis a vis lighting at the Denver Museum of Art, from whence I came.

That first show, in many ways, was a Fin de siècle for my long journey in political talk. Some called that premier show nonpareil. Many have suggested my show should have been called elegant talk.

But, I digress. Akin to Alexis de Tocqueville’s great study of America, talk radio can be a diverse tableu of topics. I chose to drill down into the fabric of museum lighting.

Why, you may asking, am I focused on this topic now. It is my way of contrasting those heady days of great KIRO radio with the n'er do wells of KIRO today. I'm referring of course to the Rons and Dons and Jens and Lukes.

Oh, how I pine for the KIRO of Erin Hart and Mike Webb. If I may say I was a soi-disant of talk. And was proud to serve along side Mike in goodly fashion. Some even referred to Mike as my good leftenant, rest his soul.

I hope you don't find this vouchsafe writ large or too abstract. I believe good topics like museum lighting have a place on talk radio. But, certainly it's not something you're likely to hear on the current incarnation of KIRO.

Best to all!

Anonymous said...

Now this is the kind of cerebral talk this blog was created for; I'm glad we were able to burn through the initial flurry of chaffe and get to some good, meaty discussion.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Falun Gong talks about "fags posting" and then Erin brings up Mike Webb.

What a co-inky-dink.

Anonymous said...

Oh for the Love of Lucifer, stop the anonymous! Call yourselves Yosemite Sam or Fanny the Fag or Anal Al for all I care, just pick something will you all! Oh well ... incidentally KIRO butt pirates have called in special favors (who knows how many reach-arounds this cost them) to have me banned from

BuTT, soon I'll be sponsoring a contest where our loyal readers can promote this wonderful blog and get a prize or spiff, somewhere in value less than that offered by Penguin Windows (TWEN-TY THOU-SAND DOLL-ARS!).