Friday, October 3, 2008 - Week in Review

Our random sample of the total number of comments received by all four KIRO shows on their respective blogs over the course of their 10 most recent posts:

Dori Monson Show - 380 comments (~ 38 per post)
Meathead & the Moron Show - 111 comments (~ 11 per post)
Dave Ross Show - 53 comments (~ 5 per post)
Joan Andrews Show with Luke Burbank - 52 comments (~5 per post)

If this were a South Pacific island, "TBTL" would be a target for butt-pirating! (I wonder if Luke has been operating under the impression it was?)


Anonymous said...

Of course TBTL has been on for less than a year. Radio shows don't build audiences in a day, you moron!

Anonymous said...

This website is for the birds. Where do you live? I'd like to leave a flaming bag of crap on your doorstep.

Anonymous said...

agreed. this website is stupid. who is the idiot who devotes all this time to lame personal attacks? what a dickbag.

Anonymous said...

I kind of like this website. But then again, I'm a racist piece of garbage who listens to Dori Monson's idiotic rambling.

Anonymous said...

You too? I'm a dipshit as well. I only wish I could put together a blog post like this and waste my time spewing negative energy rather than actually doing something with my life. It's the hippest!

Anonymous said...

I bet whoever created this website has the ugliest mug on the planet!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. But not as ugly as anyone he's related to! Boy those people are a buncha retards. Genetic mutants. I mean, I bet the piece of shit who puts together these posts weights 500 pounds and has an inverted penis.

Anonymous said...

I know! I don't like a radio show. I know turning the dial is the rational answer, but turning the other cheek doesn't help me get the attention my poor pitiful self clearly needs. So I'll create a website for no other purpose than to be spiteful, rude, and rant against things I don't like. But not in a curmudgeonly way! I'm just going to make stuff up and insult people who haven't done anything to me. Brilliant! PS: You'll have to excuse me for being an ass -- my mother never taught me better. In fact my mother never gave me any attention at all, so that's why I'm so starved for attention that I created this website! XO, Falun Motvi

Anonymous said...

6 comments were left by the same person, based on IP address.

Too precious!
